"...You whom the wander-spirit loves
To lead by some forgotten clue
Forever vanishing beyond
Horizon brinks forever new;..."
To lead by some forgotten clue
Forever vanishing beyond
Horizon brinks forever new;..."
-Bliss Carman, A Seamark
"...Thy look of love has power to calm
The stormiest passion of my soul;
Thy gentle words are drops of balm
In life's too bitter bowl;
No grief is mine, but that alone
These choicest blessings I have known....." -Percy Shelley, To Harriet, 1814
"...I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less traveled by And that has made all the difference...." -Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken
"...Dear simple girl, those flattering arts, (From which thou'dst guard frail female hearts,) Exist but in imagination, Mere phantoms of thine own creation; For he who views that witching grace, That perfect form, that lovely face, With eyes admiring, oh! believe me, He never wishes to deceive thee:..."
"...When jokes pass round, and nappy ale Sends pleasure mounting to the brain; When hours are filched from night so pale, And youngsters sigh and maids are fain,- Then do I hail the wintry breeze Which brings such ripened joys as these..." -Charles Mair, Winter
"...Parent of golden dreams, Romance! Auspicious Queen of childish joys, Who lead'st along, in airy dance, Thy votive train of girls and boys; At length, in spells no longer bound, I break the fetters of my youth; No more I tread thy mystic round, But leave thy realms for those of Truth...." -George Gordon, Lord Byron, To Romance